
Glaukos launches iDetective campaign to aid early detection of keratoconus

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At the recent Optometry’s Meeting, Glaukos showcased its iDetective campaign aimed to educate optometrists about the early signs, or “clues,” of keratoconus (KC) in a fun and interactive manner, facilitating early diagnosis and intervention.

Keratoconus is a progressive eye disease characterized by the thinning and bulging of the cornea, leading to visual distortions and impairment. Detecting KC in its early stages is crucial for implementing timely interventions like corneal cross-linking, which can slow down or halt the progression of the disease.

The iDetective campaign incorporates various components, including a dedicated website (www.iDetectives.com), videos, podcasts, print and digital advertisements, advertorials, and a social media presence.

The iDetective campaign is designed to enhance optometrists’ understanding of KC and aid in its early identification. These include autorefractor and topography cards, which provide guidance on when to conduct topography and when to refer a potential KC suspect for further evaluation. The campaign also introduces KC Clue trading cards, assisting in the identification of individuals exhibiting signs, symptoms, and examination findings associated with KC.

To support optometrists in their diagnostic efforts, the iDetective campaign offers KC Clue videos and case studies, providing real-life examples of KC presentations. In addition, a 3D model of a keratoconic eye, customized for KC, is provided to help optometrists explain the disease to their patients and caregivers effectively.

The campaign emphasizes the significance of recognizing the early clues indicating the presence of keratoconus. These clues encompass a range of factors, including unusual autorefractor readings, increasing or unusual astigmatism, visual quality complaints, irregularities in keratometry and topography, considerations regarding contact lenses, family history and genetics, eye rubbing and ocular allergy, Down syndrome, connective tissue disorders, and signals from retinoscopy and ophthalmoscopy examinations.