Thyroid Eye Disease

Healthcare resource utilization high among patients with TED

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Health-care resource utilization (HRU) was high among patients with thyroid eye disease (TED) treated with steroids and/or surgery, according to a poster presented at AAO 2021.

In this retrospective cohort study, claims data on 1601 patients with TED were analyzed. Patients were ≥17 years of age, had at least 1 year of continuous medical/pharmacy coverage, at least 1 Graves disease and proptosis related claim, at least 1 prescription for oral and/or intravenous (IV) steroid, and/or at least 1 claim for TED-specific surgery.

 Most patients (77%) were female. There was a mean age of 54 years and a mean Charlson comorbidity score of 0.69.

Approximately 88% of patients had ≥1 oral prescription and 35.8% had IV ≥1 steroid prescription. At least 1 eye surgery was performed in 41% of patients, and ≥1 hospitalization and outpatient hospital visit were noted in 8% and 17% of patients, respectively.

Nearly half of patients (40.5%) had ≥1 claim for a TED-related surgery. Surgeries included strabismus, orbital decompression, and eyelid reconstruction, amongst others.

“Compared with other chronic disease studies of HRU assessment, patients with TED generally exhibited higher all-cause HRU for inpatient and outpatient visits,” the authors wrote.

The authors concluded that the economic burden of TED is significant.

Kossler AN. TED and Health Care Resource Utilization. Presented at: AAO 2021.