Alagille Syndrome
Journal Scan

Rehabilitative protocol in De Barsy Syndrome may be beneficial

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In this case series, a 6-year-old boy with De Barsy Syndrome underwent rehabilitation after orthopedic surgical treatment and experienced encouraging results, including sitting with the indicated postural system, assuming an upright position, and taking steps with the aid of a rollator with a postural stabilization system for the pelvis.

The main goals of rehabilitation included attention improvement, visual exploration for foot-eye and hand-eye coordination, controlling the upright position using support, improving hip-knee-foot relationship, improving load transfer between the right and left sides of the body, and bimanual coordination. The patient was treated in sessions lasting 30-60 minutes, 3 times per week for a total duration of 6 months.

Celletti C, Camerota F, Paolucci T, et al. A proposal of rehabilitative approach in the rare disease “De Barsy Syndrome”: case report. Clin Ter. 2021;171(1):e4-e7. DOI: 10.7417/CT.2021.2273. PMID: 33346319.
