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Case Report: Goodpasture Syndrome and Hemorrhage After Renal Biopsy

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Goodpasture syndrome (GS) is a rare organ-specific autoimmune disease in which antibodies attack the basement membrane in lungs and kidneys.

In this case summary, a 30-year old man presented with diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage and rapid progressive renal function resulting from GS. He had atypical symptoms without hemoptysis, as well as life-threatening hypoxemia.

After plasmapheresis was performed, and glucocorticoids and cyclophosphamide were administered, the patients began to improve. Although considered safe, the patient hemorrhaged after a percutaneous renal biopsy and embolization of the renal artery was needed to stop the bleeding. The serum anti-glomerular basement membrane antibody level was 106 AU/mL (normal range: < 24 AU/mL) and slowly decreased. The patient was discharged with oral daily prednisone (30 mg) and continued maintenance hemodialysis.

The authors concluded that “GS is a rare organ-specific autoimmune disease that is invariably ubiquitous in the lung and kidney areas. Renal biopsy is the appropriate procedure for the treatment of GS disease, although it is an invasive measure.”


Li WL, Wang X, Zhang SY, et al. Goodpasture syndrome and hemorrhage after renal biopsy: A case report. World J Clin Cases. 2020;8(2):404-409.

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