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Survey compares income, satisfaction between employed and self-employed physicians

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A new Medscape survey found that although self-employed physicians have the greatest wealth, they feel the least fairly compensated.

The Medscape Physician Compensation Report 2020, which included responses from 17,000 physicians, compared income and wealth, benefits, and job satisfaction and found that self-employed doctors lead in all sections compared to employed doctors.

Self-employed physicians, independent contractors, and employees reported salaries of an average $360,752, $336,005, and $297,332, respectively.
Amongst the self-employed physicians, 46% work in an office-based group practice, 30% in office-based solo practice, and 64% are owners and 37% are partners.

Nearly 80% of the self-employed group were over the age of 45 years.

Read the full survey results here.

Who’s Better Off: Employed or Self-Employed Physicians? – Medscape – Sep 02, 2020.

