Conference Roundup
Industry News

More Major Medical Meetings Cancelled, Postponed, or Switching to Virtual Format

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2020 AMA Annual Section Meetings

Original Date: June 4-6, 2020

New date: TBD

What they said: “While this was a difficult decision, your Board does not expect conditions to improve to a point where we could feasibly hold the planned in person meeting in early June and assemble the quorum necessary to conduct business.”


AACR Annual Meeting

Original Date: June 22-24, 2020

New Date: To be held virtually

What they said: “The second Virtual Annual Meeting will present thousands of proffered papers in minisymposia and in an e-poster platform. This meeting will also include an exciting Opening Plenary Session with presentations on the latest developments in tumor biology and genetics (including the microenvironment), early detection, precision oncology, and cancer immunotherapies; the Presidential Address; the Presidential Select Symposium on precision pediatric cancer medicine; scientific merit and distinguished public service award lectures from individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the cancer field; and a comprehensive educational program featuring about 70 educational sessions and methods workshops.


American Heart Association Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Scientific Sessions

Original date: July 26-30, 2020

New Date: To be held virtually

What they said: “Basic Cardiovascular Sciences 2020 Scientific Session will take place as a virtual event on July 27-30. You can expect a similar amount of content as you would have experienced at the face to face conference, which will include our keynote lecture, oral abstract presentations, moderated poster sessions and e-poster sessions.”


