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Chemotherapy use significantly low in high-grade soft tissue sarcoma

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Overall use of chemotherapy in patients with high-grade soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is low and typically drive by by clinical, patient, demographic, and facility factors, according to a study published in Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network.

Nearly 85% of patients treated with chemotherapy, received multiagent chemotherapy; and nearly 50% received neoadjuvant therapy.

Out of the 19,969 adult patients who underwent surgical resection for primary high-grade STS from 2004 to 2016, chemotherapy was administered to 22% (n = 4377).

Factors associated with chemotherapy use included:
-Tumor size, depth, histology, and primary site
-Receipt of radiation treatment
-Younger age
-Higher patient income
-Academic treatment facility

Factors associated with multiagent chemotherapy use included:
-Tumor histology
-Tumor primary site
-Younger age

Factors associated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy use included:
-Tumor size, depth, margin status, and primary site
-Receipt of radiation treatment-
-Higher patient income
-Academic treatment facility type
-Distance to treatment facility

Researchers found no significant temporal trend in overall, multiagent, or neoadjuvant chemotherapy use.

Graham DS, Onyshchenko M, Eckardt MA, et al. Low rates of chemotherapy use for primary, high-grade soft tissue sarcoma: A National Cancer Database analysis. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2020;18(8):1055-1065. doi:10.6004/jnccn.2020.7553
