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Is Scrotal Ultrasound Need to Exclude Testicular Cancer in Patients with Hydrocele Testis?

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In patients with hydrocele testis, a scrotal ultrasound is commonly done to exclude testicular or scrotal malignancies.

In a retrospective analysis of 156 patients who underwent surgical hydrocelectomy between 2003 and 2018, no incidence of malignancies was found during the pre-surgical ultrasound in any patients. Increasing page was linked with a higher incidence of hydrocele testis.

The authors concluded that although testicular cancer is an important differential diagnosis of hydrocele testis, no cancer or scrotal malignancies were reported in the pre-surgical ultrasound of the study population.


Kafka M, Strohhacker K, Aigner F, et al. Incidental testicular pathologies in patients with idiopathic hydrocele testis: Is preoperative scrotal ultrasound justified?. Anticancer Res. 2020;40(5):2861‐2864.
