Interstitial Lung Disease
Journal Scan

Lung cancer patients with ILD have shorter survival

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Patients with lung cancer who also have interstitial lung disease (ILD) have significantly shorter survival compared to patients with lung cancer who do not have ILD, according to a study.

In this retrospective study, 146 patients with lung cancer and ILD at initial chest CT and 146 patients with lung cancer without ILD were included.

In patients with ILD, the 5-year survival was 41% compared with 48% in patients without ILD. Amongst the 4 different classifications of ILD and histologic types, there was no significant difference in survival rate. A cox proportional hazard model utilizing the presence of ILD, clinical stage, and age found that death for patients with ILD was 1.522 times that of patients without ILD.

Alomaish H, Ung Y, Wang S, et al. Survival analysis in lung cancer patients with interstitial lung disease. PLoS One. 2021;16(9):e0255375. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255375. PMID: 34492020.
