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Report: 90% of patients think switch to telehealth services improved care

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A recent Accenture survey, asked 2700 cancer, heart disease, and immunology patients about changes to their care during the pandemic and found that 9 out of 10 patients thought the care they received through remote services was as good or better than before. Most patients surveyed said they want to continue using these services in the future.

“A new era of virtual care has begun and is here to stay,” the report said.

Patients said the felt the care they receive through remote services was more persona, more convenient, and timelier, allowing them to be treated in a setting (their home) where they felt most comfortable.

A key point of the report is that many respondents felt the information they received was better and it improved the trust they had in the overall healthcare industry.

“By using technology to support communication and care, healthcare providers were largely able to maintain or even improve on the patient experience,” the report stated. “Patients appreciated the more personalized interactions, the faster response time, and the convenience of being able to manage and monitor their care from home.

Read the full report here.

