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Female physicians often stigmatized for taking family time

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A new survey by Medscape, which asked over 3000 women physicians questions about challenges they faced, found that the majority feel women doctors are stigmatized for taking a full maternity leave or fewer or more flexible hours to accommodate family responsibilities.

Most women (64%) said work-life balance is the biggest challenge they face, placing it higher than compensation.

Other key findings include:

-1/3 send gender had negative impact on income, although more than half said it did not play a role

-63% said burnout causes harmful pressure in their relationships

-94% had made personal tradeoffs because of work obligations

-64% said they felt conflicted as a parent because of work

-52% said work impacted the number of children they chose to have

-Nearly 60% said they modify their personality at work to be taken more seriously

Read full results here

