Conference Roundup
Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia (HoFH)

CME improves HCP understanding of the importance of HoFH screening in children

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Continuing medical education (CME) can address gaps in healthcare provider (HCP) knowledge of lipid screening in children who are at risk for homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH). The findings of this study were presented at the 2024 National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions.

A 60-minute online CME activity launched on August 2, 2023, aimed to educate HCPs on the importance of early treatment of HoFH. The CME activity assessed knowledge, attitude, and practice patterns, with questions administered before and after completion. The activity was supported by an educational grant from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

A total of 260 HCPs completed the program by January 2, 2024, including cardiologists (30%), primary care providers (29%), and endocrinologists (6%).

About 60% of respondents reported caring for patients with very high lipid levels (>400 mg/dL), on average, 17 patients per year, approximately 5 of whom are younger than 9 years.

Knowledge gaps increased from pre- to post-activity, with knowledge increasing on:

  • The diagnostic criteria for HoFH (from 30% to 58%)
  • The mechanism of action of ANGPTL3 inhibitors (from 22% to 43%)
  • Treatment intensification strategies (from 48% to 62%)

Prior to the activity:

  • 20% did not measure lipid levels in children younger than 9 years
  • 20% only measured lipid levels in children with a parent diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) or with a family history of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
  • 24% only measured lipid levels in children with HoFH symptom

Post-activity, respondents estimated that 60% of their patients with very high lipid levels may have undiagnosed HoFH. After the program, more HCPs reported “strongly” agreeing with the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendation for lipid screening for children with a genetic risk of FH or atherosclerotic CVD (from 14% to 37%).

“While the activity enhanced knowledge about the evolving treatment landscape, future education on guidelines and treatment intensification can address remaining gaps in the adoption of best practices and novel agents for HoFH,” the researchers concluded.


Morris P, Martin S, Drexel C, Della Volpe K. Familial hypercholesterolemia: can continuing medical education help address barriers to screening in children? Abstract 135. Presented at the 2024 National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions, May 30-June, Las Vegas, Nevada.
