Growth Hormone Deficiency
Journal Scan

Alert system helps clinicians monitor adherence to rhGH treatment

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Poor adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) can lead to patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) not achieving their full height potential. Researchers developed a data-driven clinical decision support system for adherence risk management of patients with GHD treated with rhGH.

The system is based on “traffic light” visualizations and generates 3 clusters—green representing high adherence, yellow representing medium adherence, or red representing low adherence.

For the daily adherence-based traffic lights, optimum thresholds were >0.82 for high adherence, 0.53-0.82 for medium adherence, and <0.53 for low adherence.

For the hours to next injection-based traffic lights, optimum thresholds were <27.18 for high adherence, 27.18-34.01 for medium adherence, and >34.01 for low adherence.

The researchers concluded that utilizing this data-driven alert system could potentially help healthcare providers monitor “sub-optimally-adherent patients to rhGH treatment for early intervention to improve treatment outcomes.”

Araújo M, van Dommelen P, Srivastava J, et al. A Data-Driven Intervention Framework for Improving Adherence to Growth Hormone Therapy Based on Clustering Analysis and Traffic Light Alerting Systems. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2021;287:23-27. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210803. PMID: 34795072.
