Journal Scan

Antidepressant effect of Botox injection is significant, study finds

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Patients who received Botox injections for a number of different conditions reported depression at a significantly lower number when compared to patients undergoing different treatments for the same conditions, according to a study.

After analysis more than 40,000 reports on Botox treatments, including injections to treat hyperhidrosis, facial wrinkles, migraine prophylaxis, spasticity, and spasms, the researchers found that patients who received Botox injection had significantly lower incidence of depression and depression-related adverse effect reports compared to a control group.

“Our findings show that the antidepressant effect of BoNT administered for various indications goes beyond the control of the intended disease states and does not depend on the location of the injection. In this respect BoNT proves superior to the alternative treatment options summarized in the respective comparator group,” they concluded.


Makunts T, Wollmer MA, Abagyan R. Postmarketing safety surveillance data reveals antidepressant effects of botulinum toxin across various indications and injection sites. Sci Rep 102020;12851. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-69773-7.
