Thyroid Eye Disease

Bilateral TED linked with more severity, hyperthyroidism

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Increased severity, activity, movement abnormality, proptosis, and hyperthyroidism are present more often in patients with bilateral thyroid eye disease (TED) compared with patients with unilateral TED, according to an article.

This retrospective analytical cross-sectional study analyzed 383 patients with TED who were evaluated at an academic referral center over a 6-year period. Various factors between bilateral and unilateral TED, including demographics, clinical activity score, EUGOGO classification, thyroid disease duration, TED duration, thyroid function status, and clinical signs were compared.

In 8.8% of bilateral cases, active TED was observed; it was not detected in any unilateral cases. Patients with bilateral TED exhibited a more severe form of the disease, and there was a significant difference in the distribution of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and euthyroidism between the groups. Proptosis was more prevalent in patients with bilateral disease.

Abnormal ocular motility occurred in 26.3% of bilateral patients and 2.3% of unilateral patients.

Eshraghi B, Pourazizi M, Abbasi M, Mohammadbeigy I. A comparison between bilateral and unilateral thyroid eye disease. Int Ophthalmol. 2023 Apr 17. doi: 10.1007/s10792-023-02702-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37067696.
