Risk factors for early distant metastasis after resection in STS
Young age was the only risk factor for early distant metastasis (within 6 months) after primary tumor resection in patients with soft tissue sarcoma (STS), according to a study. Risk factors for distant metastasis included large tumor diameter and histological high grade.
Data from 337 patients with STS involving the extremities or trunk without any metastasis at the first visit were analyzed.
Significant predictors for poor prognosis for all distant and lung metastases included size of the primary tumor, consultation in a short period after onset, histological high grade, and inadequate surgical margin.
Tsuchie H, Emori M, Nagasawa H, et al. Risk Factors of Early Distant Metastasis After Primary Tumor Treatment in Soft Tissue Sarcoma. In Vivo. 2022 Sep-Oct;36(5):2260-2264. doi: 10.21873/invivo.12954. PMID: 36099122.